NGA - Youth Behavioral Health in Nevada

The National Governor’s Association (NGA) Medicaid Transformation Project

The Nevada Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Division of Health Care Financing and Policy (DHCFP) as a part of the National Governor’s Association Policy Academy seeks the necessary approval authority from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to implement an innovative, cost-effective approach to address the behavioral health issues in Nevada’s youth population.  The vision is a transformed, innovative behavioral health system for Nevada’s youth (ages 11 to 18 years) that transitions the current crisis-based service system to a system of prevention and early intervention.

To assist in the planning and development of this program, we are asking all community stakeholders to participate in upcoming Public Workshops.  There will be a series of three workshops that will be held, each with different topics.  Below is a link to the Public Notices page that lists all Public meetings which includes the Agenda of topics and any available handouts.

This page will be updated with ongoing progress and status information as it becomes available.  If you have questions or feedback, please contact us at the email address provided above. 



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