PUBLIC WORKSHOP for Physician Services– Medicaid Services Manual 600 |
01/20/2021 |  -
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PUBLIC WORKSHOP for Increasing Access to Behavioral Health Services Provided by Substance Abuse Agency Model Clinics Through the Development of New Service Limitations |
01/25/2021 | |  | |   |
Federally Qualified Health Centers– Medicaid Services Manual 2900 |
02/02/2021 | |  | |   |
The Future of Substance Abuse Treatment in Nevada: Feedback Forum on Policy, Payment, and Other Considerations |
02/04/2021 | |  | |  |
PUBLIC MEETING:Solicitation of Feedback on MFP Supplemental Funding Opportunity for HCBS Services |
03/25/2021 | |  | |  |
PUBLIC WORKSHOP Proposed Revisions to Medicaid Services Manual (MSM) Chapter 1900- Transportation Services |
04/29/2021 | |  | |   |
PUBLIC WORKSHOP 1115 Demonstration Waiver for Adults with Diabetes |
06/01/2021 | -
1115 Demonstration Waiver -
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PUBLIC WORKSHOP 1115 Demonstration Waiver for Adults with Diabetes |
06/02/2021 | -
1115 Demonstration Waiver -
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08/05/2021 | |  | |  |
08/05/2021 | |  | |  |
PUBLIC WORKSHOP Establishment of Three New Provider Types Adding Services for Nevada Medicaid |
08/13/2021 09:00 AM | |  | |  |
PUBLIC WORKSHOP 1915(b) Waiver |
08/25/2021 02:00 PM | |  | |   |
PUBLIC WORKSHOP New Pharmacist Provider Type |
08/26/2021 01:00 PM | |  | |   |
PUBLIC WORKSHOP MSM Chapter 4000 – 1915(i) HCBS State Plan Option Intensive In-Home Supports and Services and Crisis Stabilization Services Updates |
08/31/2021 09:00 AM | |  | |  |
PUBLIC HEARING Medicaid Services Manual (MSM 1200– Prescribed Drugs) |
08/31/2021 09:00 AM | |  | |  |
09/29/2021 | -
Transportation -
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PUBLIC WORKSHOP MSM Chapter 200 -Hospital Services and 600 – Physician Services Proposed Updates |
10/19/2021 02:00 PM | |  | |   |
PUBLIC WORKSHOP Quadrennial Rate Review Process Overview and Provider Survey Instructions |
10/20/2021 02:00 PM | |  | |  |
PUBLIC WORKSHOP Intellectual Disability Waiver Cost Study Results |
11/10/2021 | |  | |   |
PUBLIC WORKSHOP Presentation of Proposed Changes to Medicaid State Plan – Section 2.6 – Financial Eligibility |
11/10/2021 | |  | |  |
PUBLIC WORKSHOP Crisis Stabilization Center |
12/13/2021 09:00 AM | |  | |   |
PUBLIC WORKSHOP Proposed Revision to Medicaid Services Manual (MSM) Chapter 2900 - Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) |
12/29/2021 03:00 PM | |  | |  |