Historical Information on the Development of APCD
The All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) will collect and analyze healthcare claims data from all payers, including Medicaid, Medicare, and other public and private payers. This database will help the state to monitor healthcare utilization, cost, quality and evaluate the impact of programs, demonstrations, and initiatives. It will also support health policy decisions related to healthcare and payment initiatives, to foster a more efficient healthcare system.
PURPOSE: To enhance transparency, improve healthcare quality, and reduce costs by providing comprehensive data on healthcare utilization, costs, and outcomes.
WHO IS IMPACTED: According to NRS Chapter 439B, an APCD is a database that includes medical claims, pharmacy claims, dental claims, eligibility information, and provider files collected from Nevada's healthcare payers. They will be reporting data directly to the APCD.
TRAINING: Training and other notifications will be sent over the APCD email list. Sign up for notifications here.
HISTORY: Existing law and regulatory authorities Senate Bill 40 passed during the 81st (2021) Session of the Nevada Legislature and was signed into law on June 7, 2021. It included the establishment and the implementation of an APCD to collect, manage, and analyze healthcare claims data from all payers in Nevada.