Member Outreach


This page contains links and resources that are no longer updated. However, there may be communication materials that are relevant and can inform future Public Health Emergency communications. For more information, use the contact information on the right-hand side of this web page.

    Free Printed Materials

    Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program, and Health Insurance Marketplace. The Product Ordering website has a variety of educational material for the different CMS programs that will benefit your clients’ needs. You can provide your clients with the most up-to-date publications covering Medicare, the Health Insurance Marketplace, and other topics. You'll also find products in other languages and in formats like Large Print, Braille, and audio CD. They are printed and mailed to you for free!


    1. Click on the link below.
    2. Create an account and then select "Marketplace." 
    3. On the Product Ordering website, insert the search term "Medicaid."
    4. Choose as many products as you want and order.
    5. Display the items when they arrive.

    New Social Media Kit

    These resources are available to help states encourage renewal completions in the final months of the Medicaid continuous coverage unwinding. The messages within are informed by consumer research to determine the persuasiveness of message themes.

    Providers: New Patient-Centered Messaging Toolkit

    The purpose of this toolkit is to provide clinical offices and other health care settings with
    messaging to use with their patients to get the word out about Medicaid and the Children’s Health
    Insurance Program (CHIP) renewals and other coverage options available for patients who have
    been disenrolled from Medicaid or CHIP coverage.

    How to Renew Nevada Medicaid Flyer for Members

    Members sometimes wonder how to renew Medicaid. This flyer has helpful tips. Please print, post and share with members and encourage them to share it with friends, family, at schools, churches, community centers and workplace breakrooms. There is also a new Members website. Be sure to share it on social media in your networks.

    With the end of the Continuous Coverage Condition March 31, 2023, eligibility renewals that will impact Medicaid members will start April 1, 2023. This marks the start of COVID-19 Unwind Phase II communications for providers and community partners to reach out to members. Updated messages have been posted here by Medicaid in multiple languages, CMS resources are available on page 11 in English here and in Spanish here. Template messages have also been posted for Phase II and III by State Health & Value Strategies
    Providers, partners, MCOs and others are asked to adjust messages in the toolkits to fit their audiences in English and Spanish. Please include the links and information below where appropriate and print and distribute content as recommended.

    1. For address updates: UpdateMyAddress English / Spanish
    2. Questions about your Medicaid: 1-800-992-0900
    3. Update your address in person at an office near you:
    4. No longer qualify for Medicaid? - Shop for insurance at Nevada Health Link
    5. Receive important Medicaid messages: NVMedicaid App
    6. Medicaid members can go paperless at AccessNevada (PIN Required)

    A page dedicated to members and actions they can take to reduce the impact on their insurance is available here.

    Below are examples of outreach you can use to encourage members to update their contact information, get ready to renew their coverage, or transition to other coverage. For assistance with these outreach efforts, do not hesitate to reach out to Nevada Medicaid Public Information Officer Ky Plaskon.

      Back to school toolkits customized for Nevada


      ENGLISH - New School Message from State of Nevada Medicaid

      The health of our students is paramount to uninterrupted education. State of Nevada Medicaid requests schools and school districts distribute the following message via all channels, email, intercoms & social media to parents, teachers and students.

      Message to students over social media/intercom/school news:

      Want to help keep your family healthy? Ask your loved ones about health insurance so that if anyone gets sick, they can get help right away. You can get free and low-cost health insurance from Nevada Medicaid and If you want more information, ask about health insurance in the office.

      Message to families over email, phone, social media, and school newsletters:

      Hello [SCHOOL NAME] families, this is an important message from [SCHOOL NAME OR STAFF MEMBER NAME]. Health insurance is an important part of keeping our students at school and learning. Anyone can shop for low-cost health insurance at at any time. Families with Medicaid must renew each year. That means your address must be up to date. Update your address at DHCFP.NV.GOV/UpdateMyAddress. Even if you don’t qualify for Medicaid, your children might. You can apply for free and low-cost Medicaid at

      You can also send the messages above, paired with images in the attached toolkit.

      ATTACHED: Back to School Toolkit


      La salud de nuestros estudiantes es fundamental para una educación continua. Nevada Medicaid les pide a las escuelas y distritos escolares distribuir el siguiente aviso a través de todos los medios, correo electrónico, intercomunicador, y redes sociales para padres, maestros y estudiantes.

      Aviso para estudiantes por intercomunicador/noticias en la escuela:

      ¿Quieres ayudar a mantener tu familia saludable? Pregúntales a tus seres queridos sobre seguro médico en caso de que alguien se enfermara ellos pueden recibir ayuda de inmediato. Tú puedes recibir seguro médico gratis o a bajo costo de Nevada Medicaid y Si tú quieres más información, pregunta sobre el seguro médico en la oficina.

      Aviso para familias a través de correo electrónico, teléfono, redes sociales y boletines escolares:

      Hola (NOMBRE DE LA ESCUELA) familias, este es un aviso muy importante de (NOMBRE DE LA ESCUELA O NOMBRE DEL EMPLEADO). Seguro médico es una parte importante de mantener nuestros estudiantes en la escuela y aprendiendo. Cualquier persona puede obtener seguro médico a bajo costo en en cualquier momento. Familias con Medicaid tienen que renovar cada año. Esto quiere decir que su dirección tiene que estar actualizada. Actualice su dirección a DHCFP.NV.GOV/UpdateMyAddress. Aunque usted no califique para Medicaid, sus niños pueden calificar. Usted puede solicitar Medicaid gratis o a bajo costo a

      NEW "Watch for Scams" Social Media Banners

      Providers and community partners can share these images on social media, warning about scams. You can use the following suggested message or craft your own: 
      If you are the victim of suspected Medicaid fraud, contact the Attorney General's Office, Bureau of Consumer Protection at 775-684-1180

      NEW: Renewal Videos

      Use the videos below, paired with the following social media messages to remind members that their renewal packets are coming and to complete and return them.



      Even if you no longer qualify for Medicaid, your children might. So, please fill out the renewal packet when it comes to you in the mail. You can return it to


      Los paquetes de renovación de Medicaid están llegando por correo. Devuélvalos por correo electrónico a RenewMyMedicaid

      NEW: Distribute flyers for public posting

      Renewal Timeline

      Providers can use this timeline for awareness and to guide communication with members before, during and after the expiration of the Continuous Enrollment Condition March 31, 2023.

      UpdateMyAddress Website

      A new easy way for members to update their address is now available. Providers and community partners are requested to spread the word about this new resource using text, social media and email. The page address is: 

      Nevada Health Link Resources

      To help partners reach out to Medicaid members who may need to transition to other insurance, Nevada Health Link has produced a Partner Toolkit available here: It includes messaging for Small Businesses, Special Enrollment, and PHE. In October 2022, Nevada Health Link intends to post a window-shopping toolkit a Plan Year 2023 Open Enrollment toolkit. Please access and use these resources at your convenience.

      Add this text to your company email signature

      Medicaid members: don’t miss important notices in the mail. Update your address. You can also access your digital Medicaid card by downloading the NVMedicaid App.

        Social Media Posts

        It is suggested that community partners and providers adjust these messages to appeal to their specific audiences and place the messages in regular rotation until the end of the Public Health Emergency is announced. 


        1. NEW - #NVMedicaid members, take a break from moving and update your address. It’s easy!
        2. NEW - #NVMedicaid members, Medicaid providers and partners: a lot of members have moved. Are their addresses up to date? This new website makes it easy.
        3. #NVMedicaid renewals are coming! Be sure you get your renewal letter in the mail by updating your contact information NOW. Go paperless and link your account at using your UPI and VRU PIN. Questions? Welfare@dwss.nv.govor (800) 992-0900
        4. Have #Medicaid? Don't miss renewal letters in the mail. Make sure your contact information is up to date. The easiest way to get notices and update your contact information is by creating an account and linking your case with your UPI and VRU PIN at
        5. Health care in the palm of your hand! With the #NVMedicaid App members can search for providers, view claims and receive messages as well as access their digital ID cards.
        6. Need a Medicaid health provider? You can search for one, get your health records, download your digital Medicaid ID and receive broadcast health messages with the new NV Medicaid App. More info at
        7. Lost your Medicaid Card? Now you can keep it in your phone with the NV Medicaid App. You can also find doctors, review your health history and receive important messages. Check it out and download:
        8. Medicaid members, to link your account and receive important notices through, you need to create an account then link your case using your UPI and VRU PIN. Questions? Email (Needs Image)
        9. Targeted to Businesses: Access to health coverage reduces employee's lost days at work and turnover. Help your employees stay insured with Medicaid by distributing flyers and emails in the Employer section of this web page:


        1. NEW - Moving? Take a break. There is a new easy way for #NVMedicaid members to update their address after moving. Just fill outthe form. Make sure your friends and family know too. Please share.
        2. NEW - Medicaid members, the easiest part of moving may be updating your address so you don’t miss important notices in the mail and risk a gap in your health insurance. Update your address today:
        3. Have #NVMedicaid? If so, then listen up! Your renewal may have been on pause due to #COVID19, but you may need to eventually renew. Be sure Medicaid has your current address, so you receive your renewal letter. Go paperless and link your account and update your contact information at You'll need your UPI and VRU PIN when you create an account and link your case to go paperless. Questions? Email Welfare@dwss.nv.govor call (800) 992-0900
        4. #NVMedicaid members, have you moved? Is your address up to date on your Medicaid case? Important notices are going out in the mail. Update your address in the portal, go paperless and never miss a notice: When you create and link your account, you'll need your UPI and VRU. Questions? Email Welfare@dwss.nv.govor call (800) 992-0900
        5. Attention #NVMedicaid members: Renewals are coming back! Many were paused due to #COVID19. To get ready, make sure your state knows where to send your renewal letter -- if you moved, make sure your state has your address, email, and phone number: Go paperless and link your account today and update your address at You'll need your UPI and VRU PIN. Questions? Email Welfare@dwss.nv.govor call (800) 992-0900

          AccessNevada Tutorials

 is the quickest way to update an address and sign up for paperless. Members may need assistance with signing up. Video tutorials are posted here that you may share with members.

            Encourage members to update their addresses:

            Direct members who need to transition to other insurance to Nevada Health Link

            Encourage members to download the NV Medicaid App to receive messages.

            Ask members to sign up for Medicaid Member News direct from Nevada Medicaid

            Improving direct communication with members

            The more abilities to reach members with important messages such as the COVID-19 Unwind the better. Nevada Medicaid has created the Member News ListServ and NV Medicaid App where members can receive notifications directly from Nevada Medicaid. Please consider distributing the attached flyer broadly to your staff and clients.

            Provider information on COVID-19

            Providers can find information on Nevada Medicaid’s COVID-19 page and, in addition to regularly checking for Web Announcements at Medicaid.NV.GOV, providers can sign up for email notifications from Nevada Medicaid here.


              Ensuring continued access to health coverage reduces days lost at work and turnover. Maintaining health care coverage helps with consistent operations and reduces your staffing burden. The risk of losing health insurance is higher than normal as the end of the Public Health Emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic approaches. A high number of Nevadans may no longer qualify for Medicaid and need to transition to other insurance or may lose existing coverage if they miss notices due to outdated contact information.

              The Nevada Division of Welfare and Supportive Services (DWSS) is offering new resources to help lower this risk. The flyers near the top of the page encourage Medicaid members to update their contact information with DWSS so that they receive important eligibility notices. In addition, we have included a suggested email to employees to notify them to update their contact information and how to transition to new insurance if applicable.

              Please print and share the flyers on this page, post them in your break rooms and distribute the flyers and emails to employees.

              If you print, post and share the information, we sincerely appreciate your partnership. If you need assistance, please reach out to Nevada Medicaid Public Information Officer Ky Plaskon

              Suggested Employee Email - English

              Important Changes Coming to Nevada Medicaid

              Do you or a family member currently have health coverage through Medicaid? If so, you may soon need to take steps to find out if you can continue your coverage. Soon, states will resume Medicaid eligibility reviews. This means some people with Medicaid could be disenrolled from those programs. However, they may be eligible to buy a health plan through Nevada Health Link, and get help paying for it.

              Here are some things you can do to prepare.

              Make sure your address is up to date

              Make sure the Nevada Division of Welfare and Supportive Services has your current mailing address, phone number, email, or other contact information. You can update your address using this site. This way, they’ll be able to contact you about your Medicaid or CHIP coverage. You can update your contact information and go paperless at

              Check your mail

              Your state will mail you a letter about your Medicaid or CHIP coverage. This letter will also let you know if you need to complete a renewal form to see if you still qualify for Medicaid or CHIP. If you get a renewal form, fill it out and return it to your state right away. This may help you avoid a gap in your coverage.

              What if you don’t qualify for Medicaid or CHIP?

              If you or a family member no longer qualify for Medicaid or CHIP, you may be able to buy a health planthrough Nevada Health Link. Marketplace plans are:

              Affordable. 4 out of 5 enrollees can find plans that cost less than $10 a month.

              Comprehensive. Most plans cover things like prescription drugs, doctor visits, urgent care, hospital visits, and more.


              Visit Nevada Health Link to find Marketplace plans and see if you might save on premiums. When you apply, don’t forget to include current information about your household, income, and your state’s recent decision about your Medicaid or CHIP coverage.

              Get more information

              For more information, contact, or go to the COVID-19 Member Outreach page:


              Suggested Employee Email - Spanish

              Cambios Importantes que se Avecinan en la Elegibilidad de Medicaid

              Por los Centros de Servicios de Medicare y Medicaid

              ¿Usted o un miembro de su familia tiene actualmente cobertura médica a través de Medicaid o el Seguro Médico para Niños? Programa (CHIP) De ser así, es posible que pronto deba tomar medidas para averiguar si puede continuar con su cobertura. Pronto, los estados reanudarán las revisiones de elegibilidad de Medicaid y CHIP. Esto significa que algunas personas con Medicaid o CHIP pueden perder su inscripción en esos programas. Sin embargo, pueden ser elegibles para comprar un plan de salud a través del Mercado de Seguros Médicos y obtener ayuda para pagarlo.

              A continuación mencionamos algunos aspectos que puede hacer para prepararse.

              Asegúrese de que su dirección esté actualizada

              Asegúrese de que el estado de Nevadatiene su dirección postal actual, número de teléfono, correo electrónico u otra información de contacto usando De esta manera, podrán comunicarse con usted acerca de su cobertura de Medicaid o CHIP. Usa este sitio para notificar Medicaid sobre su nuevo direccion. 

              Revise su correo

              Su estado le enviará una carta sobre su cobertura de Medicaid o CHIP. Esta carta también le informará si necesita llenar un formulario de renovación para ver si aún califica para Medicaid o CHIP. Si recibe un formulario de renovación, complételo y devuélvalo a su estado de inmediato. Esto puede ayudarlo a evitar una interrupción en su cobertura.

              ¿Qué sucede si no califica para Medicaid o CHIP?

              Si usted o un miembro de su familia ya no califican para Medicaid o CHIP, es posible que pueda comprar un plan de saluda través del Mercado de Seguros Médicos. Los planes del Mercado son:

              Accesible. 4 de cada 5 afiliados pueden encontrar planes que cuestan menos de $10 al mes.

              Exhaustivo. La mayoría de los planes cubren cosas como medicamentos recetados, visitas al médico, atención de urgencia, visitas al hospital y más.

              Visite Nevada Health Linkpara encontrar planes del Mercado y ver si puede ahorrar en las primas. Cuando presente la solicitud, no olvide incluir información actual sobre su hogar, ingresos y la decisión reciente de su estado sobre su cobertura de Medicaid o CHIP.

              Para más información

              Comuníquese con la oficina Welfare y Supportive Services para más información sobre la renovación de Medicaid o CHIP.