Changes Coming Soon
In July 2024, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized the
Ensuring Access and Eligibility in Medicaid final rule, renaming and expanding the states' Medical Care Advisory Committee. In compliance with the final rule and
42 CFR 431.12, the Nevada DHCFP is in the process of transitioning the Medical Care Advisory Committee (MCAC) to the Medicaid Advisory Committee (MAC) and developing a new Beneficiary Advisory Council (BAC). New MAC and BAC webpages will be coming soon!
Committee Background
The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Division of Health Care Financing and Policy (DHCFP) manages the Medical Care Advisory Committee (MCAC) as codified in Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 422.151 to 422.155, inclusive.
The MCAC is an advisory committee to the state Medicaid Administrator concerning health and medical care services in the state. Per NRS 422.151(2)(a), the function of the Medical Care Advisory Group is to "advise the division regarding provision of services…and increase the participation of welfare recipients in the development of policy and the administration of programs." 42 CFR §431.12 provides the function of the MCAC similarly to the NRS language.
- A member of an organized group that provides assistance, representation or other support to recipients of Medicaid.
- Dawn Lyons, Aging and Disability Services Division, DHHS
- A person who holds a license to practice medicine in this state and is certified by the Board of Medical Examiners in a medical specialty.
- A person who holds a license to practice dentistry in the state.
- Todd A. Gray, DDS, Children's Dentistry of Reno
- A member of a profession in the field of health care who is familiar with the needs of persons of low income, the resources required for their care and the availability of those resources.
- John Phoenix, APRN, FNP-C, HIV-PCP, Huntridge Family Clinic (Acting Chair)
- An administrator of a hospital or a clinic for health care.
- An administrator of a facility for intermediate care or a facility for skilled nursing.
- Sharon Austin-Moffett, Revive Health Senior Care
- A person who holds a certificate of registration as a pharmacist in the state.
- A recipient of Medicaid.
- The state's Chief Medical Officer.
- Ihsan A. Azzam, PhD, MD, Division of Public and Behavioral Health, DHHS
To apply to serve as a DHHS Director-appointed member, please complete the DHHS agency application here.