Our facility does not offer non-emergency OB services. Are we required to complete the OB survey?

Yes. Per Nevada Administrative Code, each hospital that is not solely a psychiatric hospital, regardless of eligibility to receive DSH payments, must complete the OB and MIUR surveys annually.

Our facility is not a Medicaid provider. Are we required to complete the OB survey?

Yes. Per Nevada Administrative Code, each hospital that is not solely a psychiatric hospital, regardless of current Medicaid enrollment status or utilization, must complete the OB and MIUR surveys annually.

Can the OB survey be submitted electronically or should they be mailed?

OB surveys should be submitted electronically to DHCFP using DocuSign. See below for additional FAQs relating to the DocuSign process.

If the completed OB Survey is sent to DHCFP automatically by DocuSign, how will I know if the State received my submission?

On the SFY 2018 DSH Eligibility page under Resources, there is a link to a DSH Submission Status Report.  This report is updated weekly to reflect all submissions received by DHCFP.


Our facility does not offer non-emergency OB services or our MIUR percentage is less than 1%, and therefore does not qualify for DSH payments. Are we required to complete the MIUR survey?

Yes. Per Nevada Administrative Code, each hospital that is not solely a psychiatric hospital, regardless of eligibility to receive DSH payments, must complete the OB and MIUR surveys annually.

Our facility is not a Medicaid provider. Are we required to complete the MIUR survey?

Yes. Per Nevada Administrative Code, each hospital that is not solely a psychiatric hospital, regardless of current Medicaid enrollment status or utilization, must complete the OB and MIUR surveys annually.

Can the MIUR survey be submitted electronically or should they be mailed?

MIUR surveys should be submitted electronically to DHCFP using DocuSign.  See below for additional FAQs relating to the DocuSign process.


If the completed MIUR Survey is sent to DHCFP automatically by DocuSign, how will I know if the State received my submission?

On the SFY 2018 DSH Eligibility page under Resources, there is a link to a DSH Submission Status Report.  This report is updated weekly to reflect all submissions received by DHCFP.

Our hospital has an HBSN. Do we report the SNF & Swing Bed days on the MIUR survey?

No. When a hospital has an HBSN they should back the SNF & Swing Bed days out of Medicaid and Total Days.  This is true for the uncompensated care templates (UCCR) as well as the MIUR.   

Do we report rehab days in the MIUR survey?

It depends if it's a part of the hospital or not.  For example, subprovider rehab days should be included, but rehab days as part of a Clinic or RHC should not be included.

What is the minimum threshold for IP Medicaid days for a facility to qualify for DSH payments in Nevada?

 Among other requirements, a hospital must have a Medicaid Inpatient Utilization Rate (MIUR) of not less than 1%, so the specific number of Medicaid IP days required to meet the minimum MIUR varies by hospital based on the total number of IP days for each facility. For a full list of eligibility requirements, please see Medicaid State Plan, Attachment 4.19-A, Pages 21-25.


Our facility does not offer non-emergency OB services or our MIUR percentage is less than 1%, and therefore does not qualify for DSH payments. Are we required to complete the LIUR survey?

No. Only hospitals that qualify as a disproportionate share hospital pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1396r-4 are required to submit the LIUR survey.

Our facility is not a Medicaid provider. Are we required to complete the LIUR survey?

No. Only hospitals that qualify as a disproportionate share hospital pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1396r-4 are required to submit the LIUR survey.

Can the LIUR survey be submitted electronically or should they be mailed?

LIUR surveys should be submitted electronically to DHCFP using DocuSign.  See below for additional FAQs relating to the DocuSign process.

If the completed LIUR Survey is sent to DHCFP automatically by DocuSign, how will I know if the State received my submission?

On the SFY 2018 DSH Eligibility page under Resources, there is a link to a DSH Submission Status Report.  This report is updated weekly to reflect all submissions received by DHCFP.

On the LIUR survey, should we report the Charity Care for Inpatient services only?

Yes, the Charity Care on the LIUR template should be reported for Inpatient services only. 

Should we report revenue for Dual Eligible claims on the LIUR survey?

Yes, but only the Medicaid portion of the paymentWhat we are attempting to capture in Line 6 is the total amount paid to the hospital for patient services under a State Plan, per 42 U.S. Code § 1396r–4 (b)(3)(A)(i)(I).Payments from NV Medicaid are captured on lines 1, 2, 3, & 5, and line 4 is intended to capture Medicaid payments from other states (as they too would have a State Plan under which those payments were made). Payments from NV Medicaid for Dual Eligible recipients are still payments made under the State Plan, so they should be included in lines 1 and 3. However, since Medicare and patient payments are paid outside of the State Plan, those portions of the payment should be excluded from the LIUR calculation.

On Line 12 of the LIUR survey, should we report Emergency Department revenue?

Yes, ER should be included in the Total Hospital Revenue for the LIUR calculation.


Our facility does not offer non-emergency OB services or our MIUR percentage is less than 1%, and therefore does not qualify for DSH payments. Are we required to complete the Uncompensated Care Cost Report?

No. Hospitals that do not qualify as a disproportionate share hospital pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1396r-4 are not required to submit the UCCR.

Our facility has a FYE other than 6/30/2016. What cost report should we use to complete the UCCR?

The UCCR requires data from the period 7/1/2015 through 6/30/2016 (SFY 2016). If your facility’s FYE is anything other than 6/30, both cost reports covering the required SFY 2016 time period would be required. For example, if your FYE is 12/31, the cost reports for periods ending 12/31/2015 and 12/31/2016 are both required.

The UCCR Template is built to allow for reporting two cost report periods, and will automatically prorate the calculated costs in each cost report period based on the number of applicable days in each period. If your FYE is not 6/30 and your reporting time periods follow your FYE, enter the correct cost report dates in the orange box of the FFS tab, enter the appropriate per diems and cost to charge ratios for each period, then enter the full amount of days and charges for each period.

If your FYE is not 6/30, but your reporting is based on SFY time periods (i.e. the provided CRS reports), enter the correct cost report dates in the orange box of the FFS tab, enter the appropriate per diems and cost to charge ratios for each period, then enter the full amount of days and charges for the entire SFY in both periods.

Should we use our AS FILED or AS ADJUSTED (audited) Medicare cost report to complete the UCCR?

Audited cost reports should always be used if they are available.

What is the definition of “Uninsured” for the purpose of the UCCR?

For an individual to be considered Uninsured, the individual must not be Medicaid eligible and must be an individual with no health insurance or other third party coverage. Per the CMS Final Rule issued 12/3/2014, Uninsured status is determined based on the Service; A "service" should include the same elements that would be included for the same or similar services under Medicaid generally. The intent being that a hospital will generally determine that an individual is either insured or not insured for a given hospital stay, and will not separate out component parts of the hospital stay based on the level of payment received.  if it is a Medicaid-covered hospital service, but the individual's insurance doesn't cover it, it may count as Uninsured. Individuals with exhausted insurance benefits at the time of service, individuals who have reached lifetime insurance limits for certain services, and individuals whose benefit package does not cover the hospital service received (must be a covered service under the Medicaid State Plan) may also be considered Uninsured for the purpose of the UCCR.

Does Bad Debt affect the determination of an individual’s Uninsured status?

Bad debt is term used for an account that has been deemed to be uncollectible by a hospital.  Bad debt status has no bearing on the determination of uninsured.

Does Charity Care affect the determination of an individual’s Uninsured status?

Charity is based on hospital policy that states the income level that a hospital determines that an account should be pursued.  Charity care has no impact on whether an account is uninsured.

Can billing issues cause an account to be considered Uninsured?

Improper billing by a provider does not change the status of an individual as uninsured if otherwise covered.  In no instances should costs associated with claims denied by a health insurance carrier for such a reason be included.

What supplemental payments from Nevada Medicaid should be reported on the UCCR?

Inpatient Public UPL, Outpatient Public UPL, Inpatient Private UPL, GME, and IAF supplemental payments applicable SFY 2016 must be reported on the UCCR, Line 18.  Retro payments received in a different SFY, but applicable to SFY 2016 must be reported.  Nevada Medicaid DSH payments are excluded.

We have not yet received the MCO reports for lines 3, 4, 16 and 17 (Managed Care) of the Uncompensated Care Cost Report. What data should we use?

The MCO reports used for DSH UCCRs are typically delivered to DHCFP in mid-May.  Until the MCO reports are available, facilities may use internal reporting; DHCFP will check for reasonableness upon receipt of the applicable MCO reports.  Adjustments, if necessary, may be requested by the hospital or DHCFP prior to finalizing the DSH distribution calculation.

Should Professional Fees included in the provided CRS reports be included in the reported charges on the Uncompensated Care Cost Report?

Facilities are strongly encouraged to use the CRS data to file their UCCR.  However, the hospitals should be eliminating any non-reimbursable or non-hospital days and charges to get to their filed amounts.  The CRS data does include professional fees in total charges, but since they are non-reimbursable, these charges for professional fees should be excluded in the UCCR’s reported charges.

What payment column in the provided CRS reports should be included in the reported FFS and Dual Eligible revenues on the Uncompensated Care Cost Report?

The sum of the Net Payment, Patient Payment Amount, and Third Party Amount should be used for the reported revenues. The Medicare Amount Fac column does not need to be included in the total, since the Third Party Amount column includes the amount paid by all third party payers for all facility services (including Medicare).

Eligibility Requirements

What is the criteria to be eligible for the DSH program?

1. Initial Qualifications:
    a) MUIR (Medicaid Inpatient Utilization Rate) of not less than
        one percent, and
    b) Meets Obstetric (OB) requirement
        i) Urban: at least two obstetricians with staff privileges at
           the hospital who have agreed to provide obstetric services
        ii) Rural: at least two "physicians" with staff privileges
            at the hospital to perform nonemergency obstetric
        iii) OB Requirement Exemption:
           (1) If patients are predominantly under 18 years old, or
           (2) Non-emergency obstetric services were not offered
                as of December 22, 1987 (if hospital is already
                open on or before December 22, 1987)
2. Plus one of the following
    a) MUIR (Medicaid Inpatient Utilization Rate) is at least one standard
        deviation above the mean
    b) LUIR (Low Income Utilization Rate) is at least 25%
    c) A public hospital
    d) If county has no public hospital, the private hospital with the
        most Medicaid Inpatient Days in the previous year
    e) A private hospital, located in a country with a public hospital,
        if the public hospital has a MUIR greater than the average for
        all hospital receiving Medicaid payment in the State

Secure FTP Site

I do not have a username or password for the DHCFP Secure FTP site? How do I request access?

If you do not have access to the Secure FTP, please contact Ashley Mager.

I cannot remember my username or password for the DHCFP Secure FTP site. Who do I contact?

If you forget your password or username, please contact Ashley Mager.



The Preparer/Contact Person is the person actually completing the form.  He or she will enter all responses on the survey, but will not have the ability to sign the form. Upon completion of the survey responses by the Preparer, an email will be sent to the Authorized Signer with a link to the prefilled document requesting their signature.

What is meant by “AUTHORIZED SIGNER”?

This will be the facility’s signer.  This person will not have access to enter responses; He or she will simply review the previously entered responses and offer a digital signature.  Upon signing, a copy of the completed form will automatically be sent to the Authorized Signer and to the appropriate DHCFP staff.  There is no need to submit the surveys via any other method.

What if the PREPARER and the SIGNER are the same person?

If one person will be fulfilling both roles (Preparer and Signer), please enter the same name and email in both areas when prompted.  He or she will then complete the process in the two steps outlined for each role.

Does the PREPARER get a copy of the completed form?

DocuSign will give the Preparer the opportunity to download the form after they fill out all responses, but it will not yet have the authorized signature.  Once received and logged, DHCFP will send a copy of the completed form to the Preparer (if the Preparer is a person other than the Authorized Signer),