Medicaid-Covered Opioid Addiction Drugs

The opioid addiction epidemic is a public health issue for Nevada and the United States. Deaths from opioid use are outpacing fatalities from motor-vehicle accidents. 

The list below identifies Medicaid-covered drugs for treatment of opiate addiction. Methadone is a treatment option for drug addiction, but is also used for pain and is highly addictive itself. When properly monitored and dosed, methadone helps reduce an addict’s physical craving for opioids.

Nevada Medicaid Fee For Service, Health Plan of Nevada, Anthem, and Silver Summit Health Plan cover the majority of FDA-approved drugs on the market. Some prescribed drugs will need a prior authorization, have quantity limits or require an approved exception to the preferred drug list before coverage.

    Medicaid-Covered Drugs for Opioid Addiction (these are not all-inclusive lists)

    Drugs used for opioid overdose:

    • Evzio; Narcan (naloxone); naloxone

    Drugs used for opioid dependence:

    • Vivitrol, Revia (naltrexone)
    • Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone)
    • Zubsolv
    • Bunavail
    • Subutex (buprenorphine)

    Drugs used for detoxification/withdrawal:

    • Dolophine (methadone)
    • Methadone HCI
    • Methadose (methadone)

    Abuse-deterrent opioids

    • Reformulated Oxycontin (oxycodone)
    • Embeda (morphine/naltrexone)
    • Hysingla ER (hydrocodone)
    • Xtampza ER® (Oxycodone ER Cap)

    Drugs Used for Alcohol Abstinence/Alcohol Sensitizing

    • Disulfiram
    • Acamprosate
    • Naltrexone Tab (ReVia®)
    • Naltrexone ER Susp (Vivitrol®)

    Refer to the Nevada Medicaid Services Manual, Chapter 1200, and use F5 keyboard commands to locate specific information on prior authorization criteria, quantity limits and the Preferred Drug Lists. 


    All Nevada Health Plans

      Detailed information about the coverage plans for medications relating to substance use disorders is available at:

      • Opioids