PUBLIC HEARING Medicaid Services Manuals (MSM 1200 – Prescribed Drugs; MSM 1800– 1915(i) - Home and Community Based State Plan Option Adult Day Health Care and Habilitation Service; MSM 600-Physician Services, Doula Services) |
01/31/2023 | |  |  |    |
PUBLIC HEARING Medicaid Services Manuals (MSM 1200 – Prescribed Drugs) |
03/28/2023 | |  |  |  |
PUBLIC HEARING Medicaid Services Manual (MSM 100 - Medical Program; Addendum; and MSM 1200 - Prescribed Drugs) |
04/25/2023 | |  |  |    |
PUBLIC HEARING Medicaid Services Manuals (MSM 1200 – Prescribed Drugs; MSM 400 – Mental Health and Alcohol/Substance Abuse Services; MSM 2500 - Case Management; MSM 3800 - Medication Assisted Treatment) |
05/30/2023 | |  |  |     |
PUBLIC HEARING Medicaid Services and Operations Manual (MSM 1200 - Prescribed Drugs; MSM 2300 - Waiver for Persons with Physical Disabilities; MSM 2200 - Home and Community Based Waiver for the Frail Elderly; MOM 600 - Katie Beckett Eligibility Option; MOM 1000 Disability Determination Program) |
06/27/2023 | |  |  |       |
PUBLIC HEARING Medicaid Services Manual (MSM 400 - Mental Health and Alcohol/Substance Use Services) |
07/25/2023 | |  |  |  |
PUBLIC HEARING Medicaid Services Manuals (MSM 600 – Physician Services) |
10/31/2023 | |  |  |  |
PUBLIC HEARING Medicaid Services Manuals (MSM 200 – Hospitals Services; MSM 600 - Physician Services; MSM 800 - Laboratory Services; MSM 1000 - Dental; MSM 1500 - Healthy Kids Program; MSM 2800 - School Health Services; MSM 3400 – Telehealth; MSM 3800 - Medication-Assisted Treatment ) |
11/28/2023 | |  |  |         |
PUBLIC HEARING Medicaid Services Manuals (MSM 200 – Hospitals Services; MSM 1200 - Prescribed Drugs; MSM 1800 - HCBS Adult Day Health Care; MSM 1000 - Dental; MSM 1400 - Home Health Agency; MSM 900 - Private Duty Nursing; MSM 2200 – HCBS FE; MSM 2300- HCBS PD; MSM 2600 - ISO; MSM 3500 - PCS; MSM 1100 - Ocular Services; Addendum B EVV) |
12/26/2023 | |  |  |            |