Justice Involved Reentry Program

  Justice Involved Individuals Re-Entry Program

Nevada is undertaking two initiatives to provide targeted health care services to better support youth and adults transitioning from incarceration. First, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 (CAA, 2023), specifically Section 5121, requires states starting January 1, 2025, to provide:
  • Before and after release case management services.
  • Screening and diagnostic services. 

These services will be provided to youth who are under age 21, and former foster youth up to age 26 who are post-disposition for 30 days prior to their release.

Second, Assembly Bill 389 passed in June 2023, requires Nevada Medicaid to seek federal approval to provide certain services to incarcerated Medicaid-eligible individuals, including youth, for up to 90 days prior to their release. 


Reentry Advisory Committee

Input from our community is critical to the success of Nevada's Justice-Involved Reentry Initiative. Backed by state and federal requirements, the Nevada Reentry Initiative is aimed to provide Medicaid reimbursement for select health services provided prior to release to Nevada's justice-involved populations; including adults, children, and aged out foster care youth.   

There are two ways that you can get involved: apply to join our Advisory Committee and/or attend these meetings as a community member. This application is to be selected as a member representative in the Advisory Committee. All members of the public will be able to attend and share feedback at committee meetings as a community member.   

Medicaid Application for Justice Involved Individuals

This application is to be used for Justice Involved Individuals to request Medicaid determination of eligibility.  Individuals must meet specific program requirements to be considered for this program, listed on the application. Both the Application and Application Addendum must be submitted to the email listed on the addendum, under instructions. 


Nevada Reentry Initiative Current State Assessment Survey

DHCFP has developed a survey to gather information from Correctional Facilities to better understand current reentry and other services and supports provided to incarcerated individuals including:  

  • Current Medicaid eligibility and enrollment processes,
  • Case management and reentry planning services,
  • IT system infrastructure and data sharing systems and practices.

Your responses are being reviewed, and results will be available soon.

Who is impacted?

  • Medicaid members
  • Carceral Facilities, including but not limited to, Juvenile Detention Centers Nevada Department of Corrections (NDOC), County Jails
  • Managed Care Organizations (MCOs)
  • Dental Benefits Administrator (DBA)
  • Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and sister agencies:
    • Division of Health Care Financing and Policy (DHCFP - Nevada Medicaid)
    • Division of Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS)
    • Division of Public and Behavioral Health (DPBH)
    • Division of Welfare and Supportive Services (DWSS)


  • Provide certain justice-involved youth and adults with Medicaid/CHIP who were previously excluded because they were inmates.
  • Leverage existing providers in the carceral setting by enrolling those providers with Nevada Medicaid to deliver the mandatory services outlined in Section 5121 of the CAA, 2023 and AB 389. 
  • Identify internal and external stakeholders. 
  • Utilize and enhance the data exchange agreements between DHHS agencies and correctional partners. 
  • Develop and submit State Plan Amendments (SPA) to enable Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FAMP) claiming for provisions of services required under the CAA, 2023.
  • Update Medicaid Service Manual (MSM) and/or Medicaid Operations Manual (MOM) to outline the regulations for provisions of required services under CAA, 2023 and AB 389. 
  • Determine the level of impact to the MCOs and DBA. 
