1915(i) State Plan Option - Adult Day Health Care and Habilitation
Section 1915(i) of the Social
Security Act allows the Nevada Division of Health Care Financing and Policy
(DHCFP) to provide State Plan Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) similar
to that of a 1915(c) HCBS Waiver using needs-based eligibility criteria rather
than institutional level of care criteria.
This affords individuals who require less than institutional level of
care, but still have a significant need, to have access to greater number of services
in the community which they might not otherwise qualify if only offered under a
1915(c) Waiver.
following are three services available through a 1915(i) HCSB State Plan Option
to individuals 18 years of age and older who meet the needs-based eligibility
- Adult Day Health Care
- Day Habilitation- targeted to individuals with
Traumatic or Acquired Brain Injury
- Residential Habilitation- targeted to
individuals with Traumatic or Acquired Brain Injury
To request services please complete the following:
Authorized recipient who wants to request a transfer to a different provider, please complete the following form:
To enroll as a provider for 1915(i) HCBS State Plan option, there are
two different provider types for the services:
- Provider Type 39- Adult Day Health Care
- Provider Type 55- Day or Residential Habilitation