Nevada Health Insurance Premium Payment Program (HIPP)

 “The mission of the Health Insurance Premium Payment Program (HIPP) is to enroll as many eligible individuals and families as possible. HIPP is a cost-savings program that identifies Medicaid recipients who have access to group health insurance through an employer. When determined to be cost-effective, HIPP assists in paying for the group insurance premiums Medicaid recipients otherwise may not be able to afford. HIPP benefits Medicaid recipients by allowing them to have a wider provider network and offering additional coverage of medical expenses that Medicaid may not cover. HIPP also saves the State of Nevada and taxpayer dollars on medical expenditures by transferring costs to the health insurance policy, thus making Medicaid the payer of last resort.” 



Nevada HIPP Program Online Application



Applications can be mailed to: 

5615 High Point Dr. Mailstop 702
Irving, TX 75038


Need assistance?

Call toll free: 1-888-346-1380