NRS 695K requires health insurance carriers that wish to submit a bid as a Medicaid managed care organization to offer state-contracted health plans (Battle Born State Plans or BBSPs) through the Silver State Health Insurance Exchange. BBSPs must meet a premium reduction target. This call will explain the development of the reference premiums, the calculation of premium reduction targets, and responses to data requests. This call is intended for prospective BBSP and Medicaid managed care bidders. Attendance at the call is a required element of a valid Letter of Interest to progress in the BBSP procurement. More information on the BBSP procurement can be found in the RFP Step One here. |
08/14/2024 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM PDT | | | | |
Dec. 5, 2023, 1332 Waiver Application Presentation and Public Comment Meeting |
12/05/2023 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM |  104 -
1210 S. Valley Blvd -
Las Vegas |  | |     |
Nov. 27, 2023, 1332 Waiver Application Presentation and Public Comment Meeting |
11/27/2023 01:00 PM - 3 PM |  303 -
DPBH 4150 Technology Way -
Carson City |  | |     |
Stakeholder Engagement & Waiver Design Public Meeting |
01/28/2023 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM | -
Licensure and Oversight -
Offering the Public Option in the small group market -
Next Steps (actuarial analysis, subsequent opportunities for stakeholder feedback, waiver development) -
| | |  |
For updates please join the Nevada Market Stabilization ListServ mentioned in the right-hand column above. |
Stakeholder Engagement & Waiver Design Public Meeting |
01/18/2023 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM | -
Health plan rate setting and rate review -
Provider contracting and networks -
Strengthening the Individual and Small Group Markets -
| | |  |
Stakeholder Engagement & Waiver Design Public Meeting |
01/13/2023 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM | -
Benefits -
Value-Based Payment / Cost Containment -
| | |  |
Stakeholder Engagement & Waiver Design Public Meeting |
01/05/2023 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM | -
Target population -
Affordability: Cost-Sharing and Premiums -
| | |  |
Stakeholder Engagement & Waiver Design Public Meeting |
12/22/2022 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM | -
Stakeholder Priorities for the Design of This Public Option (e.g., affordability, networks, access, provider reimbursement, etc.) -
| | |  |
Stakeholder Engagement & Waiver Design Public Meeting |
12/08/2022 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM | -
Goals and Guiding Principles -
Overview of Legislation and 1332 Waivers -
Overview of Public Option Designs in Other States -
| | |  |
Actuarial Study Informational Webinar |
09/23/2022 | | | |   |
Public Option Design Session 6 |
01/28/2022 01:00 PM |  -
888-788-0099 (Toll Free), 941 0586 1099 -
|  | |     |
Public Option Design Session 5 |
01/18/2022 012:00 PM |  -
888-788-0099 (Toll Free), 941 0586 1099 -
|  | |   |
Public Option Design Session 4 |
01/13/2022 01:00 PM |  -
888-788-0099 (Toll Free), 941 0586 1099 -
|  | |     |
Public Option Design Session 3 |
01/05/2022 02:00 PM |  -
888-788-0099 (Toll Free), 941 0586 1099 -
|  | |     |
Public Option Design Session 2 |
12/22/2021 02:00 PM |  -
888-788-0099 (Toll Free), 941 0586 1099 -
|  | |     |
Public Option Design Session 1 |
12/08/2021 2:00 PM |  -
888-788-0099 (Toll Free), 941 0586 1099 -
|  | |        |