Drug Utilization Review Board

The Drug Utilization Review Board (DUR) is a requirement of the Social Security Act, Section 1927 and operates in accordance with Nevada Medicaid Services Manual, Chapter 1200 – Prescribed Drugs and Nevada Medicaid Operations Manual Chapter 200. The DUR Board consists of no less than five members and no more than ten members appointed by the State Director of Health and Human Services. Members must be licensed to practice in the State of Nevada and either an actively practicing physician or an actively practicing pharmacist.

The DHCFP Chief of Pharmacy Services serves as Coordinator to the DUR Board.

The DUR Board meets quarterly to monitor drugs for:

  • therapeutic appropriateness
  • over or under-utilization
  • therapeutic duplications
  • drug-disease contraindications
  • quality care

The DUR Board does this by establishing prior authorization and quantity limits to certain drugs/drug classes based on utilization data, experience, and testimony presented at the DUR Board meetings. This includes retrospective evaluation of interventions, and prospective drug review that is done electronically for each prescription filled at the Point of Sale (POS).

Meetings are held quarterly and are open to the public. Anyone wishing to address the DUR Board may do so. Public comment is limited to three minutes per speaker/organization (due to time constraints). Anyone presenting documents for consideration must provide sufficient copies for each board member and a copy (electronic preferred) for the official record.