Breach Notification

Breach Notification

On February 14, 2017, DHCFP staff mailed Nevada Check Up premium letters, which were sent out over the next four days. These letters contained correct information on the first side, in English. They contained the information for a different recipient on the other side, in Spanish. The DHCFP discovered this error on February 14, 2017. The information in the letter included names, addresses, Nevada Check Up ID numbers, and premium amounts.

If you received a letter in this mailing, we request that you return the letter to us, or destroy it. A new letter is being sent to you. If you have already made your payment, please disregard the corrected premium letter.

We are taking steps to change our processes to ensure that this doesn’t happen again.

At present, we have no indication that your personal identifying information has been accessed or misused and it is unlikely that recipients will be affected by this incident.

Although it is unlikely that there will be any harmful effects, those affected may consider monitoring their financial accounts carefully for any suspicious activity and take appropriate steps to protect against potential identify theft if they are concerned that their personal identifying information may have been compromised. 

The Federal Trade Commission has an online guide that may provide you with valuable information to protect yourself at:

Those affected may also want to monitor their credit report and consider a fraud alert. A fraud alert is a statement added to credit reports to alert creditors of possible fraudulent activity. It also requests that creditors contact you prior to establishing accounts in your name. To place a fraud alert on a credit report, contact any of the three credit reporting agencies and make such a request (at no cost). Online links to each can be found at the website above or you can use the contact information below.

Contact information for Equifax, Experian & TransUnion
 Equifax  Experian  TransUnion
P.O. Box 740241
Atlanta, GA 30374
475 Anton Boulevard
Costa Mesa CA 92626
P.O. Box 105281
Atlanta GA 30348-5281

We take our role of safeguarding personal information and using it in an appropriate manner seriously. The DHCFP apologizes for the stress and worry this situation may cause recipients. We are doing everything we can to correct the situation. If you have any questions you can contact us by email or phone: or (775) 684-3606 or
Recipient Civil Rights Officer
Division of Health Care Financing & Policy
1100 East William Street
Carson City NV 89701 

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